
Keep up to date with the latest news of Cluster Habitat Sustentável

Austria hosted a meeting of the Erasmus-CoVE project ‘HABITABLE’

Intercluster Mission Norway – Portugal promotes Innovation and Sustainability

STEP Open Days session on strategic technologies for Europe

Évora hosted the 5th Coordination Meeting of the DEGREN PLUS Project.

Cluster Habitat Sustentável recognised as a National Competitiveness Cluster for the 2024-2030 period

Industrial symbiosis in the ceramics sector discussed in Aveiro

“Solutions for a Sustainable Habitat” | 2024

Cluster Habitat Sustentável at Concreta 2024

Workshop “Paths to Digitalisation in Construction”

ILLIANCE Agenda debates Innovation and Sustainability in Public Session in Lisbon

BIM Centro’24

AICCOPN organised the ‘Sustainability in Construction’ Conference

ECOLAB DEGREN PLUS event promotes Ecodesign and Circular Economy.

Cluster Habitat Sustentável takes part in CICECO’24 Conference

Carbon Neutrality in the Buildings Sector debated at Aveiro Tech Week

Today we celebrate World Habitat Day!

Testimonies – Cluster Habitat Sustentável mission to Norway (Bergen)

Today is National Sustainability Day!

Cluster Habitat Sustentável mission to Norway (Bergen)

28 July is World Nature Conservation Day!

The partners of the DEGREN+ Project meet in Cáceres for their 3rd Coordination Meeting

Today, 5th June, is World Environment Day!

1 June is the National Cork Oak Tree and Cork Oak Day

HABITABLE project promotes Green and Digital Skills in Aveiro

Today, 29 May, it´s National Energy Day!

Today, 17th May, we celebrate World Recycling Day

Cluster Habitat Sustentável participated in the 1ST CHATRON TALKS

1st Thematic Workshop of the ILLIANCE Agenda

Cluster Habitat Sustentável Conference 2024

World Earth Day is celebrated on 22 April

Apr 19 | Sustainable Habitat Cluster Conference 2024

Today, March 22, is World Water Day

Cluster Habitat Sustentável participates in Conference “Towards a Sustainable Real Estate Sector”

World Forest Day and World Tree Day

Cluster Habitat Sustentável welcomes two new members!

Cluster Habitat Sustentável participates in Conference “Magazine Imobiliário Green Real Estate & Construction Shapers”

Wooden Construction under discussion in Coimbra

EXCELIVING Final Conference | Co-creating Excellent Living Environments

Final Event of the Hi-Tech-Tex project | The Habitat value chain in the Textile sector

Future construction code under discussion in Lisbon

Cluster Habitat Sustentável met with its Members in Aveiro for its 34th General Assembly

Cluster Habitat Sustentável is part of the Institutional Pact for the Valorization of the Circular Economy in the Central region – 2nd edition

Portugal hosted the kick-off meeting of the DEGREN+ European Project

Cluster Habitat Sustentável was present at the XIV Metallic and Mixed Construction Congress

Public Presentation of the ILLIANCE Agenda

Denmark promoted the 4th ClusterXchange of the EXCELIVING Project

UAveiroGreenBuilding Closing Event

Spain hosted the 3rd ClusterXchange of the EXCELIVING project!

Public Launch of the European Project: HABITABLE

The Digital Transition in the Habitat value chain in discussion in Aveiro

In 2023, World Habitat Day is celebrated on October 2nd!

Modtech opens a new factory in Ílhavo

Final Conference of the CIRCO Hub Portugal project: “Creating business through circular design”

On July 28, Cluster Habitat Sustentável celebrates World Nature Conservation Day!

Viseu discusses the sustainable relationship between the forestry and construction sector

The Closing Session of the ACTIVAS Project!

Sustainable Habitat Cluster was present at an event on Innovation, Digitization and Entrepreneurship

Romania hosted the 2nd ClusterXchange of the EXCELIVING project!

Today, June 5th, is World Environment Day!

The 1st of June is the National Cork Oak Tree and Cork Day in Portugal!

May 29th is National Energy Day!

Workshop “Industrial Symbioses and the Circular Economy”

Cluster Habitat Sustentável discusses the Future of the Efficient Windows Sector at an ANFAJE event

May 17th it’s the World Recycling Day!

Cluster Habitat Sustentável participates on event regarding Green and Digital Transition, organised by the European Commission

This Saturday, April 22nd, is World Earth Day!

ANFAJE and Cluster Habitat Sustentável highlight the importance of Environmental Product Declarations

The 2nd Workshop of the ACTIVAS Project

Cluster Habitat Sustentável participates in a Technical Session organized by Ordem dos Engenheiros

Cluster Habitat Sustentável Working Groups Meeting | Planning 2030

March 22nd is World Water Day!

Cluster Habitat Sustentável welcomes a new member!

ACTIVAS Workshop | Project Monitoring Group Action

On March 21st, World Forest Day and World Tree Day are celebrated!

Presentation and promotion of the results of the CircularBuild Project at the Lisbon event

Cluster Habitat Sustentável participates in a Stakeholder Group Meeting about Public Procurement of Innovation!

“Planear 2030” – Cluster Habitat Sustentável

Partners of the ACTIVAS Project meet in Aveiro for their 7th Plenary Meeting

Cluster Habitat Sustentável participated on a Event of the European project “BIOMAT”

The 1st Cycle of PTCentroDiH Webinars

“Planning 2030” | Consultation Event for Members of Cluster Habitat Sustentável

Cluster Habitat Sustentável welcomes its new members!

Cluster Habitat Sustentável supported and participated again in the Urban Rehabilitation Week!

Retail Concept, S.A. receives the Sustainability Seal!

The 1st ClusterXchange of the EXCELIVING project took place in Portugal!

Solutions for an active, safe and healthy life presented at the AcTiVas project Workshop

Cluster Habitat Sustentável addresses the importance of EPD’s at a PORTUGAL STEEL Seminar in Concreta

Results of the GrowingCircle project on display at Concreta

Cluster Habitat Sustentável was present at the Enterprise Europe Network event at Concreta 2022

The 6th Plenary Meeting of the ACTIVAS project took place in Aveiro

On October 12th, a UAveiroGreenBuilding Workshop took place, as part of the Aveiro Tech Week!

“Water Data Solutions” Project Presentation Event

This October 3rd is World Habitat Day!

Val do Sol S.A. receives the Sustainability Seal

The 1st ClusterXchange of the EXCELIVING project takes place in Portugal!

Today is the International Day for the Preservation of the Ozone Layer!

Project Closing Note: “Management of Cluster Habitat Sustentável 2021-2022”

Today Cluster Habitat Sustentável celebrates World Nature Conservation Day!

2nd Workshop of the UAveiroGreenbuilding Project at the University of Aveiro

Cluster Habitat Sustentável participates in the I9TEC SUMMIT’22 forum

5th Plenary Meeting of the ACTIVAS project in Aveiro

CONCEXEC hosts CircularBuild Project Demonstrator Event!

PTCentroDiH – Digital Innovation Hub of the Centro Region received European recognition with a Seal of Excellence!

June 5th is World Environment Day!

Cluster Habitat Sustentável celebrates today the National Cork Oak Tree and Cork Day!

Cluster Habitat Sustentável celebrates the National Energy Day! !

Cluster Habitat Sustentável invited to participate in the Portugal-Luxembourg Economic Forum

Cluster Habitat Sustentável organized a TEK Talk on decarbonization and circularity at Tektónica!

Other ongoing activities on the “Roteiro da Sustentabilidade”

The “Roteiro da Sustentabilidade” initiative starts in 2022 with the theme of “Intelligence and Innovation in the Urban Environment”

Cluster Habitat Sustentável participated in the launch event of the nZEB Ready project in Portugal

Today is World Earth Day!

The IX Week of Urban Rehabilitation 2022

Innovation and business opportunities discussed at the Cluster Habitat Sustentável event

New members of Cluster Habitat Sustentável!

March 22nd, World Water Day!

March 21st is World Forest Day and World Tree Day!

The 1st workshop of the UAveiroGreenBuilding project

4th Plenary Meeting of the ACTIVAS project in Aveiro

“Planeta Verde” Program with Cluster Habitat Sustentável!

The 3rd Plenary Meeting of the ACTIVAS Project took place in Aveiro

Final Event of the SUDOKET Project | Knowledge transfer from KETs to Innovative Buildings

New members of Cluster Habitat Sustentável!

November ends with the participation of Cluster Habitat Sustentável in the XIII Conference on Steel and Composite Construction

Cluster Habitat Sustentável supports and participates again in the Urban Rehabilitation Week!

Cluster Habitat Sustentável and the UAveiroGreenBuilding project were present at the GrowingCircle project event

Another edition of the Ceramics Technical Journeys with the presence of Cluster Habitat Sustentável

Meeting of the mobilizing R&DT project “ACTIVAS” in Aveiro

Cluster Habitat Sustentável launches the “Roteiro de Sustentabilidade”!

Meet “Roteiro da Sustentabilidade” | Cluster Habitat Sustentável

Cluster Habitat Sustentável was present at the Tektónica 2021 Conference Cycle

Umbelino Monteiro S.A. distinguished with the Sustainability Seal (Gold Level)

Reynaers, a member of Cluster Habitat Sustentável, presents: Windows, doors and guardrails for the residential market

September 16th is the International Day for the Preservation of the Ozone Layer!

ACADEMIA SECIL – Shaping Construction

Meet the ActiVAS project!

Cluster Habitat Sustentável celebrates, on this 28th of July, the National Day for the Conservation of Nature!

Cluster Habitat Sustentável participates in Webinar on “Healthy, Smart and Friendly Environments”

DAPHABITAT is going digital!

The final event of PaperChain Project was held in June of 2021!

Cluster Habitat Sustentável was present at the F4F – Forest for Future project event

Cluster Habitat Sustentável in Circular Summit

On June 5th we celebrate the World Environment Day!

Cluster Habitat Sustentável celebrates, this May 17th, the World Recycling Day!

On May 11, 2021, the ECO PLATFORM DAY was celebrated!

UAveiroGreenBuilding | University wants to be a living laboratory in the field of circular economy for construction


Today we celebrate the Earth Day!

ADENE presents Portal casA+

Today, at Cluster Habitat Sustentável, we celebrate World Water Day!

Kick-Off Meeting of the CircularBuild Project!

Cluster Habitat Sustentável participates in a webinar on circular economy in the construction sector: “ReBuild 17: Building Circularity”

CircularBuild | Development and Validation of the Concept of Circularity Applied to Modular Prefabricated Construction

Clusters with a Relevant Role in the Green and Digital Transition in Post-pandemic Recovery of the Economy

Cluster Habitat Sustentável promotes the SIGHABITAT platform in a European project

Another successful edition of Cluster Habitat Sustentável Congress!

Cluster Habitat Sustentável on the Conference “Construction Products – Fit for the Future”

Cluster Habitat Sustentável at the “European Cluster Conference 2020”

Cluster Habitat Sustentável Congress 2020 | December 2 – 4! Save the Date!

Extrusal, a member of Cluster Habitat Sustentável, presents “Extrusal Certifica” – A commitment to quality

The first edition of AVEIRO TECH WEEK happened this month!

Join KETCLUSTER – More than 150 entities are already part of this system!

Cluster Habitat Sustentável participated in the Business Forum on “Sustainable options for the construction and furniture sector”

Cluster Habitat Sustentável involved in a European circular economy demonstrator

Assistant Secretary of State and Economy visits Saint-Gobain Portugal in Aveiro

Cluster Habitat Sustentável participates in the Public Procurement of Innovation Action Group managed by IMPIC and ANI

Cluster Habitat Sustentável participates in the VII Urban Rehabilitation Week!

Master’s Degree in Acoustic and Energy Efficiency for Sustainable Construction (2020-2022)

Habitat theme featured in ANI’s “Cycle of Events – Dynamics for Innovation”

Today is World Environment Day!

New members of Cluster Habitat Sustentável!

Study on IOT applications in the domain of smart and sustainable buildings and cities from the users’ perspective

Cluster Habitat Sustentável participates in the Webinar “FSC® Project Certification – Perspectives on sustainable construction”

Cluster Habitat Sustentável maintains its activity in a remote work regime

Intercluster Meetings | “Digitization in the construction value chain”

COVID-19 | Important informations

World Engineering Day for Sustainable Development

Pact for Competitiveness and Internationalization – Meetings

Cluster Habitat Sustentável participates in the 1st Meeting of European Gold Label Clusters

SUDOKET project meeting in Valladolid

26th General Assembly and Working Groups

Cluster Habitat Sustentável at CONCRETA 2019

Project paperChain: 5th General Meeting + Workshop + Visits

I EUROACE Ecodesign Meeting – DEGREN Project

Cluster Habitat Sustentável at Techdays 2019

O Cluster Habitat Sustentável Celebrates World Habitat Day

Cluster Habitat Sustentável signed with the Government the Competitiveness and Internationalization Pact

Cluster Habitat Sustentável at the TECH@Portugal event

Cluster Habitat Sustentável at the CRAKETIB’2019 Conference

International Cooperation Actions of Cluster Habitat Sustentável in Namur, Belgium

Seminar about Architecture, Urbanism and Construction in Portugal

The Cluster visits some Associates in Tektónica 2019

The Circular Cities Workshop was a success!

4th Coordination Meeting of the DEGREN Project

Cluster Habitat Sustentável is one of the Construction Clusters in Europe with Gold Label

25th General Assembly and Working Groups Meeting

I Technical Conferences on Ecodesign | DEGREN

General Assembly of Cluster Habitat Sustentável and Christmas Party

CINCOS’18 | Cluster Habitat Sustentável Congress

Lean.Co I Last Meeting and Closing of the project

ECCF | Workshop “Explorando nuevos modelos de negocio en la construcción frente a los desafíos actuales”

Cluster Habitat Sustentável at Techdays 2018!

Lean.Co | Seminar “Lean Construction Challenges”

SIG HABITAT – A Platform at the service of the Habitat value chain


Chatron in the approach to the Argentine market

Technical Conferences | 14 june 2018 | DEGREN

PME Digital Project

Cluster Habitat Sustentável participates in the Plenary of the Euroregion Euroace

3rd Coordinating Meeting of the DEGREN Project

Ending of the course “ – Continuous Training Program in Lean Construction”

SIP 2018 | Salão Imobiliário do Porto 2018

Cluster Habitat Sustentável in Tektónica 2018

VIII European Cluster Construction Forum

Cluster Habitat Sustentável at the european project SUDOKET kick-off

4th Coordination Meeting of the Lean.Co Project

Ecodesign Environmental Awareness Workshop

Strategic Council Meeting – Cluster Habitat Sustentável

Lean Construction Training Course – FREE

Workshop “Innovative Solutions for Sustainable Construction”

Cluster Habitat Sustentável recruits Project Manager / Communication and image

Cluster Habitat Sustentável participates in the European Cluster Matchmaking Event 2018

RIS3 Training Session of the Center – Viseu

Get to know the project website DEGREN – DEsign & GReen ENgineering

Central Region RIS3 Training Session

DAPHabitat System registers another Environmental Product Declaration – LECA Portugal, S.A.

Entities in the EUROACE area cooperate in the cross-border project DEGREN – DEsign & GReen ENgineering

VII European Cluster Construction Forum (ECCF)

Cluster Habitat Sustentável in Techdays Aveiro 2017

Cluster Habitat Sustentável in the 5th Cluster Matchmaking Conference


2nd Meeting of Cluster Habitat Sustentável Working Groups

Cluster Habitat Sustentável in the kick-off meeting of DEGREN project – Ecodesign Center

VI Foro Intercluster Europeo de Construcción

Cluster Habitat Working Groups already in strong activity

Presentation Seminar of the SIG HABITAT Platform

APRUPP Materials Repository

Portuguese Government ensures continuity of Cluster Habitat Sustentável strategy

Construction Sector in Portugal – 2016 Report

DAPHabitat System registers Environmental Product Declaration of Amorim Isolamentos, S.A.

Cluster Habitat Sustentável in the 5th European Cluster Conference

Cluster Habitat at the national meeting COTEC

CINCOS 2016 – One more successful edition

Umbelino Monteiro, SA. renews Sustainability Seal


IV European Forum of Construction Clusters

Programme – CINCOS’16

DAPHabitat and ECO Platform: A successful story

Cluster Habitat Sustentável wins european project

Cluster Habitat Sustentável led companies with “Sustainable Cities Solutions” to TECHDAYS 2016

TECHDAYS 2016 – September 15th, 16th and 17th!

SEPTEMBER 15th – Deadline for sending articles and communications CINCOS’16

EPD & ECO Platform: a successful story

Open new competition for R&D Vouchers – until September 16, 2016

DAPHabitat System receives the “LCIP Award”

Cluster Habitat Sustentável takes part of the TECHDAYS Aveiro

Cluster Habitat in the “Smart Regions Conference”

Period for registration and submission of communications is now OPEN in the congress CINCOS’16 website!


ROADSHOW – `Nearly Zero-Energy Buildings – Are we prepared?’

Success in the workshop “Eco Innovation in the Habitat”

Cluster Habitat Sustentável at the completion of the third conference of Schneider Electric in Lisbon

Cluster Habitat Sustentável leads European Partnership of Clusters

Cluster Habitat Sustentável integrates European Forum of Construction Clusters

DAPHabitat System successfully passes ECOPlatform audit

Cluster Habitat Sustentável at Green Business Week

ROADSHOW Cluster Habitat 2016

Environmental Product Declarations in Portugal

B2B Event “Meetings Habitat”

Cluster Habitat Sustentável participated in the “Grow your Region” Conference in Brussels

Cluster Habitat Sustentável received European recognition as a Cluster of Excellence (“Gold Label”)

Portugal 2020 Opening Notices

Sustainable Territories and Cities’ Workshop

International Cluster Meeting

+Innovation +Industry Programme

New Portugal 2020 Operational Programmes Approved

New Members

Congress CINCOS’14

CINCOS’14 Congress – Last few weeks

Participation of the Centre of Portugal in the Open Days 2014

Cluster-to-Cluster Conference and Matchmaking in Berlin

One year of “ECO Platform”

The Centre Region was selected to be one of six model regions demonstrating clusterisation and smart specialisation strategies

Promoting the Energy Efficient Rehabilitation of Urban Buildings

Dynamising Cluster Habitat Sustentável (SIAC project)

CINCOS’14 Congress

LCIP project – collaboration in the national study on life cycle approaches in SMEs in target sectors

Workshop smart cities Portugal 2014 roadshow

Internship for the Innovation Area Umbelino Monteiro

New Members

International Eco-innovation Workshop

PORTUGALclusters Iniciative

FCT measure to support doctorates in a business environment

SIAC project approved for Cluster Habitat Sustentável in 2014

1st Passivhaus Portugal Conference 2013

New Members

Opportunities for Cluster Habitat Sustentável in the new European Framework 2014

Municipality of Águeda awarded with the Sustainability Seal

Smart Cities Network launch

Workshop “Unexpected effects of interventions supported by COMPETE and their impact on the programme’s strategic objectives”

Workshop “COMPETE and the promotion of the economy based on knowledge and innovation”

Conference “Common Investment Framework for the Aveiro Region 2014/2020 (QCIRA 2014/2020)”

Signing of the “Smart Cities Portugal Network” protocol

Presentation Seminar of the EN15804 standard

CIP Conference Series “The Reindustrialisation Movement, Internationalisation and the Growth of the Portuguese Economy”

“Portugal aqui tão perto” – RTP Internacional

2nd European Mortar Summit

Official foundation of the European Eco-Platform Association

Regional debate – “Região de Leiria 2020: Options for Economic Specialisation”

LiderA Congress 2013 – Sustainable urban acupuncture

Seminar “Sustainability as a Competitiveness Factor”

PCT/OC Meeting

Umbelino Monteiro S.A. honoured with the Seal of Sustainability

European “Bronze Label” awarded to Cluster Habitat Sustentável

Dynamising possible FP7 projects

Contributions to the Centre region 2014-2020

Poles and Clusters meeting

Corticeira Amorim honoured with Sustainability Seal

Reynaers Institute Expands Facilities with Rotating Climatic Simulator

New Ceramic Collection NEW CHROME by Recer

Inovadomus buys house for habitat laboratory

Serpentine Gallery Pavilion with Amorim Cork

30 Years of Rehabilitation in Portugal, in Guimarães

Agueda at the RIO+20 Summit

Gyptec launches Online Tool – “Solutions Manager”

Launch of the “Cooperate to Rehabilitate” Program

I Luso-African Congress on Sustainable Metal Construction

New Composite Board – GYPCORK

OLI proposes broader showers with an integrated shower drain in the floor

Proposals from ESAD CR for OLI will hit the market in 2012

InEDIC Project – Innovation and Ecodesign in the Ceramics Industry

Preceram Group Initiatives, a Winning Bet – Positive Balance of Tektónica 2012

OLI launches “RAIN BASIC” to harness rainwater

T&T at Téktonica 2012

Ramos Catarino Awards Innovation Prize

Awarded Control Panel by Souto Moura for OLI

InovaDomus Gives a Future to the Homes of the Past

Oliveira & Irmão, SA. Interview on the program ‘Portugal Marca’ on SIC Notícias.

Protocol of Cooperation for Competitiveness and Innovation in Habitat Sustainability

AcoustiCORK® – Masonry Support, Applied in Luxury Apartments

Umbelino Monteiro S.A. Awarded for Environmental Practices

Three companies of the Preceram Group recognized with the PME Excelência status 2011

Santarém, a Sustainable Municipality

Environmental performance of AcoustiCORK recognized with top rating

INNOV Project – Instruments for Innovative Action Gives Rise to Best Practices Manual in Innovation

Award for “Good Environmental and Energy Practices” Published on:

Up-Way Systems and Amorim Isolamentos Present Efficient and Sustainable Systems at Concreta 2011


Gyptec (Preceram Group) and Amorim Isolamentos Develop New Solution

Preceram Group at Tektónica 2011

Ramos Catarino Innovation Award, Edition 2011-2012

Protocol of Scientific and Training Cooperation between the Platform for Sustainable Construction and CEIFA Ambiente, Lda.

Cooperation Protocol established between the Platform and the Construction Sector Cluster of Extremadura

Challenge Group Preceram “Sustainable Construction, Ideas and Solutions”

Newsletter Archive