About us

Learn about the history and structure of Cluster Habitat Sustentável

our purpose

Sustainability, circular economy and green transition.

More than enlightening and inspiring, we want actions rather than words. More than enlightening and inspiring, we want to ensure a positive impact so that people can enjoy and care for a sustainable habitat in built and not built spaces and in their relationship with each other.


Revolutionising the way companies work collaboratively to find solutions that contribute to a more sustainable habitat.


To be a platform for reflection, discussion and action, setting direction in companies’ efforts towards the green transition, facilitating their collaboration in innovative businesses and projects that contribute to a more sustainable habitat.


Accelerating companies’ green transition by supporting them in collaborating on business and innovation projects that contribute to a more sustainable habitat.

our history

Specialising in Sustainable Construction


Contributing to a more sustainable Habitat is one of the fundamental objectives of this Cluster, which seeks to collaboratively create and promote competitive solutions for companies and resilience and attractiveness for cities and their surroundings.


Cluster Habitat Sustentável recognised by the Portuguese government since 2009, is a network that brings together companies from different sectors of the Habitat value chain, agents from the scientific-technological system, municipalities and other public and private entities.


In 2013 the Cluster was awarded the "Bronze Label" and in 2015 the "Gold Label", which was successfully renewed in 2018, a fact that is marked with great satisfaction by the Cluster's international repercussions and recognition.

The Sustainable Habitat Cluster was recognised for the first time in July 2009, by the ministers of the Economy and the Environment, Spatial Planning and Regional Development, within the scope of the Collective Efficiency Strategies (EEC/QREN). In February 2017 this recognition as a Competitiveness Cluster was renewed for a period of 6 years (2017-2023) and in 2024 there will be a new cycle of recognition that will last until 2030.

1st cycle
2nd cycle
3rd cycle
action programme

Innovation, to strengthen its competitiveness

In order to develop a concerted dynamic in the Cluster through innovation, to strengthen its competitiveness, it was deemed necessary for the Action Programme to involve:

The Cluster Habitat Sustentável action programme is designed with its members for the various cycles it has gone through since 2009, embodying anchor or structuring projects and encompassing complementary projects by its members to respond to the innovation and competitiveness challenges they face.

In addition to designing and integrating structuring and complementary projects into its current action programme based on interaction with its members, the Cluster Habitat Sustentável runs thematic working groups that tackle challenges such as the Green and Digital Transition, the development of Sustainable Territories and Cities, but also promotes internationalisation and business opportunities.





3 245M€

2022 Turnover

1 513M€

2022 Volume of Exports

Statutory Bodies

Triennium 2022-2025

  • Management
  • General Assembly
  • Inspection Committee


Victor Miguel Carneiro de Sousa Ferreira


Victor Miguel Carneiro de Sousa Ferreira

Victor Ferreira has a PhD from the University of Aveiro in Materials Science and Engineering. He is currently a Full Professor at the University of Aveiro in the Department of Civil Engineering, with teaching, R&D and business co-operation activities in the area of Construction Materials and Sustainability. He has been the founder and president of the Cluster Habitat Sustentável since 2007, an association of companies, R&D centres, municipalities and other players in the Habitat sector, which has taken on the role of managing the Cluster Habitat Sustentável since its formal recognition in Portugal in 2009.

Member of the Board

José Manuel de Ávila e Sousa

Member of the Board

José Manuel de Ávila e Sousa

José Ávila e Sousa, who has a degree in Civil Engineering from the University of Coimbra, has consolidated his training by taking part in seminars, conferences and international events, maintaining close contact with the scientific community.He currently holds the position of Technical Director of the Preceram Group, and is also responsible for the Communication and Image Department. Enthusiastic about sustainability and innovation in the field of construction products, he also coordinates the research and development of new products at various companies in the group, including Gyptec Ibérica and Argex.

Member of the Board

José Manuel Franco de Matos

José de Matos has a degree in Economics from ISEG since 1980 and obtained a post-graduate qualification in Business Recovery and Management from the Lusófona University in Porto in 2012.On a professional level, he has been the Secretary General of the Associação Portuguesa dos Comerciantes de Materiais de Construção since 1985, and has held various association and representative positions, including member of the Board of the Construction Institute, Chairman of the Board of PRIMUS - Metropolitan Agency for Regional Development (AMP), member of the Board of CPCI - Portuguese Confederation of Construction and Real Estate and member of the Board of CCP - Confederation of Commerce and Services of Portugal.Before becoming a member of the Board of Directors of the Platform for Sustainable Construction, he was Chairman of its Supervisory Board since 2008.

Member of the Board

António Manuel Baio Dias

Member of the Board

António Manuel Baio Dias

António Baio Dias holds a master's degree in Mechanical Engineering Science from the University of Coimbra. He has been an employee of the Ceramics and Glass Technology Centre since 1989 and is currently its General Director. He has been a board member of Cluster Habitat Sustentável since 2007. He is a member of the Administrators Board of ECO Platform, the European platform for operators of Environmental Product Declarations, representing the Platform for Sustainable Construction.

Member of the Board

Carlos Manuel Oliveira e Silva

Member of the Board

Carlos Manuel Oliveira e Silva

No information available.

Member of the Board

Pedro Miguel da Silva Sequeira

Member of the Board

Pedro Miguel da Silva Sequeira

Pedro Sequeira, who has a degree in Chemical Engineering and Product Management from the University of Aveiro, has been the Technical Director of Saint-Gobain Weber Portugal SA since 2011. He has authored and co-authored various articles on the development of mortars and on the sustainability of materials.


Jorge Eduardo Ferreira Sampaio

Jorge Sampaio has a degree in Civil Engineering, a Postgraduate Diploma in Quality, Comfort and Safety of Buildings and another in Conservation and Rehabilitation of Buildings from the Faculty of Science and Technology of the University of Coimbra, and has also completed a Master's Degree in Quality in Construction from the same university.He is currently a councillor and vice-president in the municipality of Anadia, responsible for Sports, Tourism, Management of the Anadia Training Centre, Management of Municipal Sports Facilities, Management of the Bairrada Wine Museum and International Relations. He is also involved in coordinating various events organised by the municipality. He is also the president of Rota da Bairrada and Rota dos Vinhos de Portugal.

Member of the Board

Silvino Dias Capitão

Silvino Capitão is a Civil Engineer, a specialist in Transport and Roads by the Portuguese Order of Engineers, a doctorate from the University of Coimbra in Civil Engineering, in the speciality of Urbanism, Spatial Planning and Transport, and a postgraduate in management (Executive MBA).He has been a professor at the Instituto Superior de Engenharia de Coimbra (ISEC), an organisational unit of the Instituto Politécnico de Coimbra (IPC) since 1993, and a research member of CERIS/CESUR (Civil Engineering Research and Innovation for Sustainability) at the Instituto Superior Técnico (Univ. of Lisbon) since 2011. He is currently a Coordinating Professor at IPC, ISEC in the Civil Engineering Department, where he teaches in the area of transport infrastructures and is the founder and head of the Road Pavements Laboratory (LPR).He has carried out R&D activities within the scope of CESUR (IST-UL) and the Master's Degree in Civil Engineering - Specialisation in Urban Construction at ISEC. He has participated in business co-operation tasks in the area of transport infrastructures, particularly in consultancy work related to road and airport paving.He has been ISEC's representative in the Cluster Habitat Sustentável since 2007.

Member of the Board

Jorge Manuel Caliço Lopes de Brito

Jorge de Brito has a PhD in Civil Engineering from the Instituto Superior Técnico, where he has taught since 1985. He is currently a Full Professor in the Department of Civil Engineering, Architecture and Geo-Resources at the University of Lisbon, with teaching, R&D and university extension activities in the area of Sustainable Construction.He has been the Director of the FCT Eco-Construction and Rehabilitation Doctoral Programme since its inception, President of the CERIS Research Centre for the 2017-2018 biennium and Editor-in-Chief of Elsevier's Journal of Building Engineering.


António Óscar Tavares de Oliveira

António Óscar Tavares de Oliveira has a degree in Economics from the Faculty of Economics of the University of Coimbra and is a Chartered Accountant. He is an economic consultant for APICER - the Portuguese Association of Ceramic and Crystal Industries. He has worked as a teacher and trainer in the areas of general accounting and banking, taxation, economics and financial calculation. He is a member of the Editorial Board of <em>Kéramica</em> magazine and the author of several articles published in national and foreign magazines, particularly on the ceramics industry. He is APICER's representative on the Supervisory Committee of the Platform for Sustainable Construction Association, as a member between 2007 and 2013, and as chairman since 2013.

Member of the Board

Sónia Cláudia Barbosa Correia de Oliveira

Sónia Oliveira, a graduate, currently holds the position of Secretary General of AICCOPN - Associação dos Industriais da Construção Civil e Obras Públicas.Committed to sustainability and respect for the environment, with the strong conviction that each of us plays a decisive role in building a more sustainable future."Environmental concerns, reducing energy consumption in buildings and being careful with the materials used, are causing a transformation in the culture of companies, which are now defining their business model based on principles of environmental sustainability, social responsibility and good governance (ESG)."

Member of the Board

Maria Francelina de Oliveira Pinto

She has a degree in Mining Engineering from FEUP. Director General of ANIET for 23 years, she coordinates all its activities. It represents ANIET in all committees, conferences and associations, and is responsible for analysing national and EU legislative proposals, promoting internationalisation and professional training, disseminating information and providing services in specific areas. He is responsible for ANIET's Quality Management System and for promoting strategies in favour of members.

Member of the Board

José Basílio Simões

Member of the Board

José Basílio Simões

Basílio Simões, an entrepreneur and business angel with over 30 years' experience, is co-founder of Cleanwatts, a company specialising in Energy Communities. He previously founded and invested in several technology companies, including ISA Intelligent Sensing Anywhere, VPS - Virtual Power Solutions and Energia Simples. With a degree in Engineering Physics and a PhD in Technological Physics, he was a professor at the University of Coimbra for more than 25 years. His hobby is running, and he is currently doing the 6 World Marathon Majors.

Member of the Board

António Ricardo Raposo Oliveira

Member of the Board

António Ricardo Raposo Oliveira

António Ricardo Oliveira is a director of OLI Sistemas Sanitários SA, where he coordinates the national and international sales, product development, marketing and innovation departments. He is responsible for international operations, in particular the OLI group's commercial and industrial subsidiaries.

Member of the Board

Diogo André Ferreira Leite

No information available.


Architect - PhD

Marlene Costa Maia

Executive Coordination, Network Cooperation and Innovation and Competitiveness Management
Degree in Business Management

Cristina Acal Quirós

Project Management, Internationalisation and Business, Administrative-Financial
Master in Multimedia Communication

Ana Teresa Pereira

Communication and Marketing
Master in Environmental Engineering

Ana Karolina Santos

Management and Monitoring of the DAP Habitat System
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