May 09 | Seminar ‘Environmental Product Declarations: Innovating with Sustainability’

Environmental product declarations are a type of performance declaration that helps to understand the impacts caused by the production and use of various materials and products, and can be a basic tool for eco-innovation processes, i.e. a basis for innovating with sustainability.

The DAPhabitat system ( was developed to register environmental declarations for Habitat products in Portugal and has been active since February 2013.


To find out more about the process and this initiative, take part in the dissemination seminar to be held on 9 May at 10am as part of the TEKTÓNICA’2014 fair at FIL, in the Multiusos Pavilion Auditorium (between Pav. 2 and 3) in Lisbon.


For more information, see the attached programme and register free of charge by 07/05/2014 by clicking on REGISTER.


Participants must have a ticket for Tektónica and should go to the Registration Desk in Pavilion 1 or 2 and collect their congress badge if they do not have another badge for entry to Tektónica.


You can also register as a Professional Visitor at



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