Oct 13 | RIS3 Training Session of the Center region

Participate in the RIS3 Training Session of the Center region organized by a group of Competitiveness Clusters in partnership with CCDRC (Regional Coordination and Development Center) and CIRA (Aveiro Region Intermunicipal Community), with a partnership of the municipality of Aveiro.

This session aims to clarify and debate the strategic bets of smart specialization of the Center region (RIS3 Center). It is intended to present and discuss the alignment with the RIS3 Center strategy, of the ideas coming from agents of the region (companies, municipalities, R & D centers, associations) to enable better fit their investment in innovation and research.


Registration is free but mandatory here.




4:30 p.m. – Opening

The intelligent specialization and the bets of the Aveiro region

José Agostinho Ribau Esteves | President CM Aveiro | CIRA


4:40 p.m. – The RIS3 strategy of the Center region

Ana Abrunhosa | President CCDRC


5:00 p.m. – Strategy alignment of the different value chains with the Center’s RIS3

Competitiveness Clusters Panel (value chains of Agrifood, Habitat, TICE.PT, Sea, Forest, Molds and Plastics, Tourism and Production Technologies)


5:40 p.m. – Open Debate


6:30 p.m. – Closing



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