Oct 15 | Workshop Sustainable Production Technologies

This workshop aims to promote business and cooperation opportunities between companies of production technologies (Polo PRODUTECH) and Cluster Habitat Sustentável, and to develop new production technologies that will meet the needs of companies and the incorporation of competitive and sustainable solutions in their production processes.

The event appears with the aim to view the efficient use of resources through technologies and production processes, promoting cooperation between these two Clusters / Poles of Competitiveness. This is a joint initiative of two fields / Cluster Competitiveness, PRODUTECH and Cluster Habitat Sustentável, within its SIAC projects (40804 and 40969) promotion of poles / clusters supported by COMPETE.


The event will take place on 15 October at 14:00 at the AIMMAP building in PRODUTECH Porto.


We would appreciate your participation in this workshop.


Registrations are free but mandatory until 10/13/14 to email: centrohabitat@centrohabitat.net 


The programme can be found here.



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