Nov 23 | RIS3 Training Session of the Center region

The RIS3 Training Session of the Center region (Research and Innovation Strategy for an Intelligent Specialization) organized by a group of Competitiveness Clusters in partnership with the CCDRC (Coordination and Regional Development Commission of the Center), the CIM Region of Coimbra (Intermunicipal Community of the Region of Coimbra) and also counting on the Pedro Nunes Institute partnership, will take place at the IPN Accelerating Auditorium in Coimbra on 23.11.2017 at 09:30 a.m.

– Already know the bet areas of RIS3 of the Center region?


– Did you know that the alignment with the Center’s RIS3 has been used to assess the admissibility and merit of the candidate projects for Portugal 2020 with investment in the Central Region?


– Want to take advantage of the Center’s RIS3 to improve your competitive edge and your Innovation opportunity?


Sign up for the Center’s RIS3 Training session, get to know RIS3 and its players and hear some of the testimonials!


Registration is free but mandatory HERE.

Program HERE.



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