Dec 17 | 2nd Edition of the ISO 9001 and ISO 14001 Seminar: Framework and Changes to the 2015 Standards (CTCV)

The 2nd Edition of the ISO 9001 and ISO 14001 Seminar: Framework and Changes to the 2015 Standards will be held on 17 December.

The standards for quality and environmental management systems, ISO 9001 and ISO 14001 respectively, are currently being revised and are expected to be published in 2015. The aim of this process is to ensure that these standards are kept up to date and reflect changes in the structural and technical context in which they are applied.


The planned changes are profound and significant, impacting on organisations’ strategic management models. Their aim is to absorb the evolution that has taken place in management systems and technologies since the last normative revision, so that organisations have a set of stable and appropriate requirements for the next ten years. This revision also aims to ensure that the standards are easier to implement, that 3rd party audits provide added value for certified organisations, that the implementation of the standards provides a differentiating characteristic for their clients and that the market recognises this difference.


We invite companies that are certified or in the process of implementing Management Systems, as well as other entities involved in this process of change, to take part in the seminar that will be held at the CTCV premises (headquarters – Loreto, Coimbra) on 17 December at 14:15.


For more information see here.


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