Associação das Indústrias de Madeira e Mobiliário de Portugal

AIMMP – Portuguese Association of Wood and Furniture Industries is a public utility institution serving companies and entrepreneurs since 1957, with the mission to represent, defend, support and promote the Wood and Furniture industries in order to contribute to the success of its associates and this sector.

To this end, it provides support and services to the companies in various areas, namely direct technical support, joint participation in specific activities and projects or collective actions for capacity improvement, qualification, training, development and internationalization of the sector that, individually, would be difficult or even impossible to carry out in many situations.

AIMMP is the only business association in the sector with national scope and a sector-wide perspective, representing all forest-based industries except for pulp, paper and cork. Under the terms of its statutes, there are five sub-sector divisions:

– Division 1: Wood cutting, felling, sawmilling and packaging;

– Division 2: Panels, other wood derivatives and biomass energy

– Division 3: Carpentry and alike;

– Division 4: Furniture and alike;

– Division 5: Export, import and distribution of wood and wood derivatives.

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AIMMP is the only business association in the sector with a national scope and a sectoral perspective, representing all forest-based industries with the exception of pulp, paper and cork.

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