Diagnóstico, Levantamento e Controlo de Qualidade em Estruturas e Fundações

The main scope of Oz is the survey of existing buildings and structures including the characterisation of their relevant properties and the diagnostics of their anomalies regarding the design and planning of rehabilitation interventions. To carry out these activities Oz resorts, wherever possible, to advanced “in situ” non-destructive methods.

Since quality control of both rehabilitation interventions and new construction usually rely on the same or similar testing methods, Oz also provides services in the field of quality assurance.

Oz also provides services in the field of quality assurance. They help, on one hand, to collect information on the relevant properties of the construction’s components and materials, and, on the other hand, to identify the agents and mechanisms underlying the problems that affect them. Both activities make up a basis to establish, in cooperation with the client, the appropriate intervention strategy and define the corrective measures to be implemented.

The company’s quality control methods allow the client to make a correct and timely assessment of the quality of the product or service being rendered. Both activities make up a basis to establish, in cooperation with the client, the appropriate intervention strategy and define the corrective measures to be implemented.

In this area, the company is qualified to act as the quality manager in construction undertakings, since it is a certified “general quality manager” under the LNEC (Laboratório Nacional de Engenharia Civil) / (National Laboratory for and Civil Engineering) Quality Mark.

Besides these specialised services, the company is qualified to carry out a number of related services:

– Preparation of maintenance plans for buildings (residential, services) and infrastructures (industrial, transport); – Review the design of new construction or rehabilitation of existing constructions;

Structural modelling using advanced analysis software;

– Three-dimensional simulation (“virtual rehabilitation”) for architectural, archaeological or museological purposes;

– Design and implementation of specialised training courses for construction rehabilitation (the company is a training entity accredited by the IQF (Instituto para a Qualidade na Formação) / (Institute for Quality in Training).

The company’s twenty years of experience and the ISO 9001:2000 certification are a guarantee of quality services in an field with high standards, a strong technological component and under constant innovation. It was also distinguished as an SME Excellence in 2010 and 2011.

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The main area of activity of OZ is the diagnosis of anomalies presented by constructions and their performance, aiming at the design and planning of rehabilitation interventions.

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