Produção de sucata limpa
Promoter: Transucatas – Soluções Ambientais, SA.
General Measure: SI Inovação
Project Overview:
The project is the “start-up” of a “new industrial unit” that will produce clean scrap from contaminated ferrous scrap metal. The conversion of contaminated scrap into clean scrap will make it possible, on the one hand, to better valorise the product range and, on the other hand, to dispose of contaminated materials resulting from waste from the Refuse Derived Fuel (RDF) process, for which the only alternative currently available is landfill.
It will also enable better management of Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE), which is currently only sorted and sent to recyclers. Incorporating WEEE into the process of producing clean scrap from old scrap will not only make it possible to make better use of the contaminated ferrous metal scrap in WEEE, but also to separate the copper and aluminium components that will be sold to countries such as Germany.