Project Number: 027534
Operation: POCI-01-0248-FEDER-027534
Implementation period: 2017-06-01 to 2020-09-30
Program: Internationalization and Competitivity Operational Program (Supporting System to Collective Actions – Networks and other ways of partnership and cooperation; AAC 01/SIAC/2017).
Eligible investment: 214.274,51 Euros
Financing: 107.137,26 Euros
Cluster Habitat Sustentável
Project Overview:
The Management and Promotion of the Sustainable Habitat Cluster project aim to develop supporting activities and foster structural action as long as it is a consolidated Competitivity Cluster, recognized by the Government, to the Habitat value chain which involves the materials, construction and property market frames.
Project activities:
1. Intercluster collaboration and international networks;
2. Cluster promotion and dissemination;
3. Intelligence, monitoring e evaluation;
4. Working groups cooperation and promotion;
5. Cluster capacity building;
6. Cluster management and coordination.
Project results:
– A1_B2B Matchmaking Event
– A2_Videos CINCOS’18: Part 1, Part 2 and Part 3;
– A2_Video Techdays’19;
– A2_Web do Cluster (centroHabitat; SIG HABITAT e DAPHabitat);
– A3_Internationalization Guide;
– A4_Study of the impact of Information and Communication Technologies on the Habitat Value Chain for modernization through digital transformation;
– A4_Study on mapping and analysis of programs and national and European projects in the fields of technologies for sustainable production, industry 4.0, and related activities, which frame opportunities for the Habitat value;
– A4_Study on IOT applications in the domain of smart and sustainable buildings and cities from the users’ perspective;
– A5_European recognition as a Cluster of Excellence – “Gold Label”.