European “Bronze Label” awarded to Cluster Habitat Sustentável

Cluster Habitat Sustentável underwent the ESCA (European Cluster Excellence Initiative) evaluation process and on 7 March received the Bronze Label certification from the European Cluster Excellence Initiative.

It’s a recognition and a seal that can give them access to European programmes to encourage collaboration between clusters.


As part of the assessment process that Cluster Habitat Sustentável has voluntarily undergone, they will soon be sent a benchmarking report that compares them with other European clusters in the same category.


This is an important step towards international recognition of the quality of the work that the Platform for Sustainable Construction, as the managing body of the Sustainable Habitat Cluster, has been doing over the last three years and hopes to continue doing.


Measuring the effects and impacts of cluster support programmes has been given particular attention, and there are currently several evaluation models for this purpose, including the European Cluster Excellence Initiative, the main aim of which is to develop a model for awarding a quality label (Bronze Label and Gold Label) to cluster management entities, by identifying a set of indicators that facilitate cluster analysis and peer-review.


The indicators considered in this model include: Cluster structure; Cluster management; Cluster financing: Strategy, objectives and services provided by the Cluster; Results achieved by the Cluster.



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