Habitat Sustainability Competence Center
General Measure: SIAC – Sistema de Apoio a Acções Colectivas
Cluster Habitat Sustentável
Project Overview:
Development of a Habitat sustainability skills center to strengthen the innovation and competitiveness capacity of the Sustainable Habitat Cluster, whose main objectives are to develop a set of skills in sustainability of the built environment, mobilize and intervene in companies and local authorities in terms of integrating sustainability concepts into construction and urban planning, among others.
The project, which aimed to create a Competence Centre for Sustainable Habitat, was organized in a sequence of phases, developed over the course of 2011 and 2012, and characterized as follows:
Benchmarking Study and International Best Practices
This phase of the work sought to identify, in the international context, the state of the art in terms of definitions of zero building and the respective references, standards and norms recognized by the economic agents in the sector; to identify the policies, regulations, instruments and initiatives existing in various countries, as well as public strategies aligned with the concept of zero building and its objectives; to characterize the implementation of Directive 2010/31/EU, as well as its transposition into Portuguese law; to identify the principles of sustainability and good practices in urban planning and city management.
Strategic Diagnosis
This phase essentially sought to collect, systematize and validate information on the current diagnosis of the sector, especially with regard to its strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats, and critical success factors that should merit our attention and action, in order to strengthen the competitiveness of the economic agents in this sector in the future.
Pilot Implementation Program
This phase sought to implement and test the effectiveness of a set of actions that, when implemented, could help strengthen the competitiveness of economic agents in the Habitat sector, and at the same time define the functional attributions that the future Competence Center for Habitat Sustainability will have.
Habitat Sustainability Competence Center Future Vision
This final stage of the project sought to systematize all the information produced in the previous stages, formatting the structure of a value proposition for the Competence Centre for Sustainable Habitat, aimed at the members of the Sustainable Habitat Cluster.